AutoHotKey Going through Menus

Basically when you have to go through forms and dialogs you have to understand that there are times when you have to wait for the dialog to become available.  I modified a recursive function on the ahk forums to a while loop.  Personally I find recursion to be harder to follow then a simple loop even though they essentially do the same thing.

Notice that I put an extra wait inbetween the "Disk Image" dialog and the "Add Disk Image" dialog.  It seemed that the code would sometimes try to execute on the top "Add Disk Image" dialog before it would actually close.  I spent some time trying to find a way after I made this work on the command line. Going through menus seems fraught with issues, so I really wanted to change this.

I feel kind of irritated that in order to get it working in the command line I only had to do append a space and put the file name.  Neko Project is the same way, only I do not know how to get it to go fullscreen from outside the command line

cmdx88x21 := executable . A_Space . """" . fd1 . """" A_Space . """" . "-fullscreen=on" . """"
Run(cmdx88x21, emuPath) ; Run is a function in HS lib.

LoadFDI(rompath, romName, romExtension, emuPath)
  fd1 := romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension
  Sleep, 1200

  ; Open the FileDialog to load FDD1;"Open Image" Shortcut
  Send !d
  Sleep, 1200

;Button3 is "Add" to open dialog to select a file
 If WaitControl("Button3", 4000, "Disk Image")
    ControlClick, Button3, Disk Image, , Left, 1

  If WaitControl("Edit1", 4000, "Add Disk Image")
    Control, EditPaste, %fd1%, Edit1, Add Disk Image
    ControlClick, Button2, Add Disk Image
    sleep, 1200
  If WaitControl("Button1", 3000, "Disk Image")
    ControlFocus ,Button1,Disk Image
     Sleep 1000
        ControlClick, Button1, Disk Image, , Left, 1
        ControlClick, Button1, Disk Image, , Left, 1
            ControlClick, OK, Disk Image, , Left, 1

WaitControl(controlName, timeout, winTitle)
  while timeout > 0
      ControlGet, isVisible, Visible, , %controlName%, %winTitle%
      ControlGet, isEnabled, Visible, , %controlName%, %winTitle%
        Sleep, 100
        timeout -= 100
        return 1
        return -1  ;not found


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