Bootstrap On Responsive Change Remove a Grid Column

In data grid  in the <Columns> section. The main Bootstrap class is called visible-lg-block.  However in IE please be aware that it causes a dark line on the top of the area with that will appear. Works fine in all the other browsers.  I was able to stop the top dark line with tr{        border-top-style:hidden;    } but then the rows do not have the upper border.  It works fine in all the other browsers.  If there was a way of stopping that dark line in IE it would be fine.  Simply trying to change the border-top color does not have any effect.  Could not find how to stop it from doing that.

However it  works fine in a Repeater.  You used a html table.  Use table, then the tbody do not use thead, since the bootstrap will switch the alternating colors starting with transparent instead of grey.  Then use the following for example for the item.  You may also need to use the AlternatingItemTemplate if you want the alternating rows to be different.

Example for section in Repeater.

<td class="visible-lg-block text-right">
                                        <%# PercOfTotal( Eval("Value") ) %>


Example of a section in gridview. If only ie worked…

   <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Perc%" ItemStyle-CssClass="visible-lg-block" HeaderStyle-CssClass="visible-lg-block">
                                    <%# PercOfTotal( Eval("Value") ) %>



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