Fun With Automate 9 Errors

Encountered several issues yesterday within Automate 9.

One problem was that the server was somehow not letting go of some files on one of the tasks resulting in the error "FTP Failed (Error: Access denied, file is locked in another upload session or by another application (550)).  The solution to that was to restart the server since I could not see what was holding on to it.  There might be other programs I could have gotten to help me identify what was holding it, but I was kind of under pressure.

Another FTP task was giving some obscure Winsock Error (?)  in response to attempting to encrypt and move a file.  The error was "Cryptography failed (Error : File system operation failed with error (error code is 103429))". This seemed to be resolved by running the task as Administrator, or it was resolved by the rebooting of the server.

On some other FTP tasks I was getting "Could not determine current location error".  This was happening when trying to change directories on the ftp.  As you may have figured out already they were trying to go to a non existent directory.   Changing the paths to the correct one fixed the issue.  Still was irritating that the company had just decided to change their folder structure without telling anyone...


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