Updating DotNetNuke (DNN)

1)      Download the latest version. it will be a zip file.
2)      Extract it to a folder.
3)      Now you need to make backups of files that will be overwritten by the DNN upgrade.  If there are a important changes you will have to merge them.
a.      Files that were customized.
b.      Ex: Login ascx page in the DesktopModules/Authentication/DNN folder which I customized it so that the page would fit on mobile devices.
4)      The upgrade may influence the look of the page with the skin.  You may have to modify the skin, Eg:Powerful.  Find that in the Portals/default/Powerful/skin.ascx folder. 
5)      Make a backup of the database, and a copy of the existing website folder on the website, in case it screws up.  We have experienced complete corruption of the install before so this step is important.
a.      If you need to restore, take the DNN db offline/disconnect all users before restoring otherwise it will not work.  Then bring it back online.
6)      When ready copy over the contents from the upgrade folder to the existing website folder.
7)      Make sure Users on the server in the website folder have write access.   I had encountered issues in the Install/Cleanup folder. 
a.      When the install process did not finish properly it would not rollback changes, and would remove files in that directory.  You may need to copy the missing files back in there if the install fails and you have to restart.
8)      Run the site, and go through the installation. 
a.      When upgrading to 7.04 it hung at 41% for 10 minutes or so before completing.
9)      Test the site to make sure it still works.


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