
Showing posts from May, 2016

Windows Forms - DataGridView Button Columns Not In Order

The problem was that a Button column would refuse to be in the right place.  The other columns would order properly but not that button column.  So the idea is to use this Display Index as stated in the msdn link below.  One other thing that needs to be done is to set the AutoGenerate Columns property to false as well. dg.datasource = dt  dg.AutoGenerateColumns = False and then dg.Columns("col_name").DisplayIndex = 0 etc

MVC: Parser Error Message: Could not load type "X.Y"

After updating the .edmx file to include a couple more objects from the database, I started to get a strange error in the global.assax file stating it could not load the namespace of my project.  I tried many of the solutions on that page, but none helped me. The solution to my problem was that the EF was renaming one of the objects to plural case so it added an "s".  I had a couple Linq statements that were erroring out after that.  Once I renamed that object back to what I wanted it the project worked fine.