
Showing posts from October, 2015

Prevent Text Wrap On a Page

Was having some text wrapping going on in a column that really did not need it in a Bootstrap grid.  It would only happen right before the site switched to the mobile view.  Rather than mess with the grids any further I added the following class to that single element.  .nowrap{         white-space: nowrap;     } ref:

Print Preview Using Bootstrap shows HTTP links

100th public post!  Very cool. Was not thinking I would be able to keep up with this blog but I guess I am...  Anyway so we got a complaint from a client about their values missing 10 cents, but their snippet they gave showed a very odd looking site with links everywhere.  So a senior guy looked at it, becuase I had never seen it like that before.  He said he had encountered it sometime last year.  He found a nice stack overflow link for a fix. So what I did was I made the change below to the skin of our site in the bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.css files.  Note: you may have to clear your cache to see the change in a browser. @media print { a [ href ]: after { content : " (" attr ( href ) ")" ; } } Just remove it from there, or override it in your own print stylesheet: @media print { a [ href ]: after { content : none ! important ; } } ref:

DNN and Custom Error Login Messages

Be forewarned that the error message locations can change between versions in the Language Files.  I have had success by editing it at the "host" level. DNN Password Error Message Locations 1)  Admin - Languages ---- then click Language Editor Local Resources - Admin - Authentication - App_LocalResources - Login.ascx    ref:[Link] 2) Languages -> Desktop Modules  ->Admin -> App_LocalResources _> Login.ascx 2) Languages -> Global Resources -> SharedResources   a)  Resource Name:   PasswordResetFailed.Text   b) R esource Name:   InvalidPassword.Text   c) R esource Name:   PasswordInvalid.Text ------ Note: You may also need to check your permissions for IIS_IUSRS if you get some kind of file access error.

Bootstrap On Responsive Change Remove a Grid Column

In data grid  in the <Columns> section. The main Bootstrap class is called visible-lg-block.  However in IE please be aware that it causes a dark line on the top of the area with that will appear. Works fine in all the other browsers.  I was able to stop the top dark line with tr{        border-top-style:hidden;    } but then the rows do not have the upper border.  It works fine in all the other browsers.  If there was a way of stopping that dark line in IE it would be fine.  Simply trying to change the border-top color does not have any effect.  Could not find how to stop it from doing that. However it  works fine in a Repeater.  You used a html table.  Use table, then the tbody do not use thead, since the bootstrap will switch the alternating colors starting with transparent instead of grey.  Then use the following for example for the item.  You may also need to use the AlternatingItemTem...

DNN 7 Password Change Bug With Whitespace

The problem is that when a user is trying to change their password it will fail if there is whitespace in the username. A simple String.Trim Method would fix this issue. One of our managers could not get tit working. For example "testuser" will work, but "testuser " will not work. Thank you. Steps: 1) As an admin user click "Force Password Change" 2) Logout as admin. 3) login with as the user, and go to the password change screen. 4) Type in the user name but with a space at the end. 5) Input new password. 6) Click Submit. 7) It fails and will say the new password was not accepted for security reasons. Posted this on the dnn community voice area for bugs.