
Showing posts from November, 2014

Updating DotNetNuke (DNN)

1)       Download the latest version. it will be a zip file. 2)       Extract it to a folder. 3)       Now you need to make backups of files that will be overwritten by the DNN upgrade.   If there are a important changes you will have to merge them. a.       Files that were customized. b.       Ex: Login ascx page in the DesktopModules/Authentication/DNN folder which I customized it so that the page would fit on mobile devices. 4)       The upgrade may influence the look of the page with the skin.   You may have to modify the skin, Eg:Powerful.   Find that in the Portals/default/Powerful/skin.ascx folder.   5)       Make a backup of the database, and a copy of the existing website folder on the website, in case it screws up.   We have experienced complete corruption of th...

Sql Server 2008: Kill Active Connections To Resolve "database is in use"

Could not restore the db due to the database being in use.  Found the following script worked on sql server 2008 when others failed. USE master GO SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @DBName varchar(50) DECLARE @spidstr varchar(8000) DECLARE @ConnKilled smallint SET @ConnKilled=0 SET @spidstr = '' Set @DBName = 'dbnamer' IF db_id(@DBName) < 4 BEGIN PRINT 'Connections to system databases cannot be killed' RETURN END SELECT @spidstr=coalesce(@spidstr,',' )+'kill '+convert(varchar, spid)+ '; ' FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid=db_id(@DBName) IF LEN(@spidstr) > 0 BEGIN EXEC(@spidstr) SELECT @ConnKilled = COUNT(1) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid=db_id(@DBName) END

DNN: Access Login Page as Admin or Host

To modify the login page as an admin you can access it via Page Management page. Once you find the login page, right click and click "View Page".  I needed to add a custom page container, and this worked.

TortoiseSVN: Show Files Not in Repository

Right click in project, TortoiseSVN->Check For modifications -> click "unversioned" for all files that are not in project.

Media Queries - Powerful skin

If you wish to change the width for when the menu changes from the side Megamenu to the Standard menu you must modify the media queries in the skin.css file in the root of the skin folder.

Good free icons Can download many at once. Can select a size for all of them. Can select a file type.

SVN “previous operation has not finished”? Cannot Update/Commit

Could not update, could not commit.  Clean did not work at any level either.   Below were some of the things I tried.  Finally deleting the whole project folder and checking out the entire project again fixed the problem.

Dnn Error Cannot Rename Page

When in Page Management I encountered a situation where one page could not be renamed to a specific page name.  The reason behind it is because there is probably another page with the same name.  In my case I had to clear out the Recycle Bin in order to name the page to a certain name.