
Showing posts from June, 2014

DNN Some Files Not Available

Realized certain video files were not showing up even after going to File Management and Synching the folders.  The dnn site you to set the acceptable file types.

Workflow - "Direct Publish and Content Staging"

In the HTML Module Settings there is a dropdown for the Workflow.  Direct publish will show on a site for users, Content Staging will not.  The test html module.  It does not show on the main site. Clicking publish will show it on site.

DNN 7 (Dot Net Nuke 7) Page Permission Inheritance

After creating a couple dozen pages going through and modifying the permissions on each one is something I want to avoid.  You can copy page permissions to child pages in in the following way. 1. First go to "Admin" ->  "Page Management".  2. Scroll to the "Link" options.   3. Click Copy Permissions. 4. Click confirm on copy permissions popup.   5. After copying permissions the descendents will have the same permissions.