
Showing posts from November, 2015

DNN Default Password Reset Link Expiration

So today on a DNN7 installation we encountered a user that could not reset their password through the reset password link.  She then tried the Forgot Password again and went through the reset password process and it worked.  So I assumed that the link was bad or something and I was right. She was trying a password reset link from an email over a day old.  Turns out the default password was set to 60 minutes, and the host is set to 24 hours.On the link below  a user stated you can find the link for the password reset expiration in "Host Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Membership Management".  Now I am going to change the language in the email to reflect that there even IS an expiration to the link.

SSMS - Saving Changes is Not Permitted In Designer

So I am trying to save a change to a table I am creating, but Sql Server Management Studio will not let me.  So I get this error below, this "saving changes is not permitted." error. To be able to drop and recreate the table uncheck this.  You can find this by clicking the menu Tools ->Options -> Designers ->"Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation". This fix is all over the place, but I wanted to just show where the option is exactly.

Javascript For Only Allowing Decimals or Integers

To prevent input of other non decimal/integer characters, aka not 0-9 or '.' to a text box you want to look for the keycodes client side.  Having a keypress event on the server side wold be inefficient and silly when you can do it in client side.  If you are trying to validate input you will also need to check server side. This fix in my case was mainly for a minor tool that does not access anything outside of itself.  If the user is intelligent enough to turn off Javascript then they will know why they it does not work.  The tool is hardly used, but if it turns out non-hackers are able to bypass the Javascript and keep getting errors then I will consider doing more server side validation.  So good enough for now. ref: