
Showing posts from January, 2014

Using Session Variables? Might Want To Think Twice

  Well I am working on website that uses and IIS 7.5.  Not uncommon I imagine.  Well, after successfully getting the project to work on my local environment I moved to it to the dev site.  Tested it working fine on IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome on dev.  Then I moved it to live, then the troubles started.   I started fiddling with the modules I almost immediately noticed oddities occurring.  After more testing I had a nice list of problems.  As is my preference, I always try to test things as much as possible before we have to release.  Our shop is not strict with that you see, we have a guy that likes developing and testing on live ahah (it's horrible but senior to me by 10 years or so).      1. The checkboxes would sometimes not have a check even after the postback of the page.  Sometimes checking a checkbox would clear all the checkboxes.   2. After checking a row a separate listview has a li...


Well, this blog is basically me noting things that I have given me a difficult time, and also hopefully solutions.  My memory is hardly the greatest, so some of these posts will also serve as a good reference for me in the future.